District Central Cooperative Banks 400 clerks vacancies in the state of Punjab at different district. CDAC Mohali has taken responsibility to receive online applications from all eligible and interested candidates at http://recruitment.cdacmohali.in website upto 04th July, 2011, 5PM in the prescribed application form.
Recruitment Details
- Post Name: Clerk-cum-Data Entry Operator
Total Vacancies: 400
Pay Scale: Rs.5910 – 20200 (grade pay Rs.1900)
Age Limit: Minimum 18 and Maximum 37 years.
Age relaxation: The Upper Age Limit shall be 42 years in case a candidate is a member of Scheduled Caste OR already employed in the service of another Cooperative Institution. However, the upper age limit for the candidates employed in The Punjab State Cooperative Bank and those employed in the service of Distt. Central Cooperative Banks shall be 47 years The upper age limit in all the above cases shall be considered on the last date of submission of application forms i.e 04-07-2011.
Eligibility Criteria
- Graduation (2nd Division) (any stream)
OR - Post Graduation Pass (any stream)
- Diploma / Certificate (Minimum 6 months) in computers from an Institute having ISO Certification.
- Should have passed Punjabi Language examination of Matriculation standard.
- Should be domicile of Punjab.
Note : During selection process weightage will be given to higher qualifications
and to the rural students
How to apply online
- Fill the online application form available on the website http://recruitment.cdacmohali.in by clicking at the link Recruitment of Various Coop. Banks Posts.
- The application can be filled online only till 04-07-2011 up to 5.00 PM.
- If by mistake the candidate has filled in wrong information, he/she can correct the information upto 04-07-2011, 5:00 PM. by entering his/her registration number and password. After 04-07-2011 no editing will be allowed and thereafter information will be locked and no change will be acceptable/allowed.
- Candidate has to apply through online only.
- Fill up the form available on the site http://recruitment.cdacmohali.in On successful submission of form candidates are required to take the print out which will have registration number printed on it and print out of the form is to be retained by the candidate for any further enquiry.
- Every successful registration will be allotted the Registration no. Printed on the acknowledgement slip containing the detail of amount to be deposited by the candidate in the CDAC Mohali Application Fee Account, Current Account No. 911020028486199 mentioning registration number and name in the bank narration.
- Thereafter the candidate shall have to report to the designated banker (Axis Bank) along-with the downloaded Acknowledgement Slip cum Fee Chalan for depositing the fee.
- In case the candidate fails to deposit the fee, his /her application shall stand automatically cancelled /rejected and shall not be considered for further processing.
- For any problem, help can be taken from the help line no 0172- 6619054 - 55 available during working hours.
- Candidates are advised to visit http://recruitment.cdacmohali.in website regularly.
- In case Candidate is unable to get PRINT OUT of submitted form Click on get print out again.
- The last date for deposit of application fee is 05-07-2011.
- The list of candidates whose fee is confirmed will be available on http://recruitment.cdacmohali.in for candidates’ reference from 18-07-2011.
- The candidate can download their ADMIT CARDS by visiting the website http://recruitment.cdacmohali.in again by entering his/her registration number and password (Candidates are advised not to disclose the password to any one for data security) from 18-07- 2011. In case any candidate is unable to get the admit card, he/ she must contact C-DAC Mohali personally or on help line numbers one day before the said examination up to 5.00 PM, failing which department will not be held responsible.
- Date of written test: 31.07.2011 (Sunday).
- Candidates are advised to visit the website http://recruitment.cdacmohali.in regularly for more updates and important information.
- Candidate will be responsible for any mistakes made by him/ her in the on line application form, Department shall not be responsible or liable in any way.
- The merit list will be prepared on the basis of the written test by giving weight age to the candidate having higher qualifications and to the rural students and will be available on website http://recruitment.cdacmohali.in
- The venue, date and time of counseling will be available on the website http://recruitment.cdacmohali.in
- Candidates will not be informed individually about the result and counseling schedule.