www.baitaranigramyabank.com Applycation for Baitarani Gramya Bank Recruitment 2011

  2. Baitarani Gramya Bank (Sponsored by Govt. of India, Govt. of Odisha and Bank of India) published an Advertisement No.: 01/BGB/2011 to recruit Officer and Office Assistant. We are going to share all important information about this Baitarani Gramya Bank Recruitment 2011 project. 

Important Dates
  • Last date for online registration: 15th July, 2011
Date of Written Examination
  • Officer MMG Scale-III Group" A": 21st Aug, 2011
  • Officer MMG Scale-II Group "A":21st Aug, 2011
  • Officer JMG Scale-I Group "A"21st Aug, 2011
  • Office Assistant (Multipurpose) Group-"B": 28th Aug, 2011

Name of the Post
Officer MMG Scale-III
Officer MMG Scale – II
Officer JMG Scale I
Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
Out of which for Office Assistant (Multipurpose): 1(VI), 1(HI), 1(OC)

Pay Scale
Officer MMG Scale-III
Officer MMG Scale-II
Officer JMG Scale-I
Office Assistants
Rs.7200-400/3-8400-500/3-9900-600/4-12300-700/7-17200-1300/1-18500- 800/1-19300

Eligibility Criteria: 

Nationality /Citizenship:

  • For Officers MMG Scale III, MMG Scale II & JMG Scale -I (Post Code No. 01, 02 and 03). Candidate must be an Indian Citizen.
  • For Office Assistant (Multipurpose) (Post Code No. 04) Candidate must be an Indian citizen. Candidate must be a domicile of Odisha. 
Qualification Required (As on 01.04.2011):
  • Officer Senior Management Scale III
    a) Law officer :-Degree of recognized University in Law or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate. Experience: - Minimum five years as an Officer in any Bank or Financial Institution.
    (b) Treasury Officer-Candidate should be a Chartered Accountant or MBA in Finance from a reputed Institute.Experience:- Minimum five years experience as an Officer in any Bank or Financial Institution.

  • Officer Middle Management Scale II
    Marketing Officer:- MBA in Marketing from any Institute of repute. Experience : - One year
  • Officer Junior Management Scale I
    a)Graduate Degree from a recognized University in any discipline or its equivalent Preference will be given to the candidates having degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy.
    Knowledge of English and Oriya is essential. Preference will be given to candidates who are
    computer literates in MS-DOS, MS-WORD, MS-EXCEL, and Networking etc.
  • Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
    (i) Bachelor Degree or its equivalent of a recognized university in any discipline.
    (ii) (a) Essential: Proficiency in local language i. e. Odiya. (b) Desirable: Knowledge of Computer skills.

Application Fee
(for the post code - 01, 02, 03 & 04) including   postal charges (non refundable) and payment procedures:-

For SC /ST /Physically challenged/Ex-Servicemen candidates:
Rs.50/- for each Post (Postal Charges)
For all others including OBC:
Rs.400/- for each post (including postal charges)

Important Note:-
  • Candidates will not be permitted to appear at the written test without production of this challan and photograph. Candidates are therefore advised to keep 3 photocopies of the fee payment challan for future use.
  • Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fees once paid will not be refundable on any account nor can it be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
  • Fees should be paid invariably between 28.06.2011 and 15.07.2011 only. Fees paid before or after the stipulated dates, if any, will not be acknowledged for the purpose of application and will be forfeited.
  • Payment by Cash/ Cheque/ Money Order/ bank Demand Draft/ Bank pay Order/ Postal Order etc. will not be accepted.
Selection procedure
The selection will be made on the basis of performance in the Written Test and Interview. All the eligible candidates who apply with the requisite fee and whose applications are received in time and who fulfills the eligibility criteria will be called for written test.

Written Test Centre
The written test will be held at the following centers and the address of the venue will be advised in the call letter. List of written test centers with the center codes is given below.

Sr No.
Name of the Centre
Centre Code

How to Apply
  1. An eligible candidate should apply on-line through the link provided to our website www.baitaranigramyabank.com in the prescribed format from 28.06.2011. Please note that the last date for submission of on-line application is 15.07.2011. Candidates should have a valid e-mail ID. It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment project. This will help him/her in getting call letter/ interview advices etc. Under no circumstances he/she should share/mention e-mail ID to /of any other person. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal email ID he/she should create his/ her new e-mail id before applying on-line.
  2. Candidates should fill up the application available after clicking the link given in the notification.
  3. Branch code and Branch Transaction ID Number noted on the Challan form should be correctly filled in the application at appropriate place.
  4. Application, after filling up all the mandatory field and security check box should be submitted by a click on the 'Submit' button.
  5. All the mandatory fields (marked with *) should be filled in, otherwise the system will not accept the application.
  6. The Candidates should note/ remember the Registration number and Password for the future reference and use.
  7. There is provision to modify the submitted on-line application. Candidates are requested to make use of this facility to correct the detail in on-line application, if any. This modification facility shall be available after 2 days of registration and up to 17.07.2011. Modification will be allowed only 3 times after the last date i.e. 15.07.2011. No modification will be permitted further.
  8. Please note that the above is the general procedure for applying on-line. No other mode of application or incomplete application will be accepted and in such case, the application will be rejected outright.
  9. After applying on-line the candidate should take a print out of the system generated on-line application form and retain it for future reference. They should not send this print out to the Bank, which they will have to submit at the time of interview.
Important link:

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