APMS Admissions AP Model school admissions online Registration

AP Model school admissions online Registration begin - APMS Admissions

APMS students Admissions and Teaching staff recruitment processes going on…
AP Model Schools admissions in classes VI, VII, VIII and Inter( XI) registration going on now. Criteria for Selections and admission will be issued at later. Registration For Admission into A.P Model Schools to Classes VI, VII, VIII and Inter now in http://apms.cgg.gov.in. RMSA starting Model schools from 2012 academic year in English Medium from classes 6 to 8 and inter some Mandals for provide Quality Education.
Model school admissions will be provided in Class 6 to 8 and Inter with MPC/BPC/CEC/MEC groups. Only 80 students per every class to academic year 2012-13. In AP Model schools running under RMSA quality education will be provided for all poor people. Hostel facility will be provided for Girl students in the Model school campus. APMS registration forms will be made available in all the Govt. Schools of the Mandal through M.E.O of Model school allotted Mandal. Filled in registration forms will be received up to 23-05-2012 at concerned M.E.O’s Office.
Download APMS Registrations form Offline.
AP Model school admissions registrations also available in online visit: http://apms.cgg.gov.in

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