1. What do Engineers do?Ans: Engineers basically do four things namely i). design and development of product, ii). overseeing the commercialization process of discoveries, iii). executing the projects, and iv). working in service and maintainance streams. 
Engineers provide solutions to the problems of the society by applying the principles of science and mathematics and inveting new tools, methods and techlogies. They are the bridge between the societal needs and technological solutions. 
Most of the engineers develop new products. In that process, they work on several factors. For instance, take the design development of an industrial robot. Design of robot parts, their assembling, preparing the final product, testing its capacities in simulated scenarios, ensuring its safety standards, estimating its price….all these are the tasks of engineers. 
The second important task of engineers is supervising the commercilisation process of discoveries and innovations. 
They execute such projects in diverse fields such as chemicals, information technology, power plants, semiconductors manufacturing, construction, automobiles, plastics, cement, aviation and toy making. Besides the design and development, many engineers work in production and maintenance streams. These engineers supervise the production in factories. 
They continuously supervise the quality of products. They also estimate the time and costs of a project. Engineers take the help of computers in tasks such as design making, design analysis and controlling the quality of products. Today computers are being used in both service and manufacture sectors extensively.
There are about 163 Engineering specialisations in India and most prominent of them are Civil, IT, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics. However, one has to understand that every branch is unique and has its own importance. 

2. Why should one opt for engineering? Engineering is one of the sure paths to success. Engineers are being offered challenging careers with attractive remunerations by the corporate world. More to that, engineering profession commands great respect in society. 
These reasons prompting the parents to encourage their children to become engineers. With the domain expertise that you can get through engineering studies, you can become an entrepreneur, create wealth and provide employment opportunities. 
Engineers have been the pioneers of innovations. Their efforts have made our life easy. By opting to tread their path, you can work on solutions to the pressing problems such as food security, depletion of fuel resources, housing and public transport. Enginnering will enable to you to work upon renewable energy technologies such as solar power production and electric automobiles.

3. How to become an engineer? 
Ans: Doctor, Engineer or Collector is the three dream careers of today’s students. Parents are also dreaming about their children becoming one of these three. While aspirants of medical education are unlimited, seats of MBBS are quite limited. 
For Civil Services, lakhs of candidates compete for hundreds of posts. Hence, it is also matter of high contingency. 
The remaining field is engineering. While there are 15 lakh engineering seats in entire India, 3 lakh seats are in Andhra Pradesh. That’s why it is not a tough option. 
However, a student must question himself/herself about his/her genuine interests, capabilities, aptitude, hard-working nature and future goal befor taking a career decision. They may take the help for their parents, seniors and other well-wishers. 
Once he/she is decided that engieering is their prime priority, they should start treding towards the goal. They shall understand the process of admission in different engineering colleges. Next, they shall prepare for entrance exams such as EAMCET and JEE Main and JEE Adanced which qualify the students for admissions into IITs, NITS and IIITs. Once the entrane exams are over, they shall get themselves ready for branch and college selection. 

3. What if I don’t have clarity on Branch selection? 
You must select your branch based upon your apptitute, interests, opportunities, job market trend and scope for further education and research in respective branch. Student’s interest is the main determinator of the branch. If you are interested in rearing troubled scooter, car or fan, you can think that you are interested in Mechanical. 
If you were interested in understanding the functions of electrical wiring, switches, radio and television…you may opt for Electrical and Electronics. 
If you are a fan of mega dams and constructions, you can opt for Civil engineering. 
Besides your interest, you have to factor in facts such as your rank, available branches, present market trend, further educational opprtunites and selecte a Branch. Your interest in basic science subjects viz. physics, mathematics and chemistry also determine the selction of your branch. For example, if you are interested in physics, you can select ECE, EEE and Mechanical branches. 
If you are good at Maths and Logic, you can think about CSE and IT. These days, research is also emerging as one of the kep future prospects. Hence, you should also keep research opprutnites of different branches before you select one. 

4. What if I don’t know which is better college for me? 
Ans: You must select the college only after going through the results such as basic infrastructure, quality of faculty, year of college establishment, accreditation details, admission profile and placement record. Infrastructre plays a very crucial role providing quality engineering education. The AICTE has come up with guidelines as to Labs, equipment, library, hostels, seminar rooms, internet, transport, playground and other important facilities, which should be must for establishment and continuance of an Engineering College. You can cross check your colleges against these criteria. 
The second important criterian in college selection is –Faculty. You must ask questions like - How many faculty members have done PhDs, how many of them are doing PhD at present, what is their experience and how their academic and research track records are. 
You have to give importance to all these aspects because faculty with PhD degree would have the subject depth and teach the students analytically. Thanks to their teaching, you can not get subject knowledge, but also the skills that are relevant for present-day market. You can browse the details of faculty in respective college website. 
You must also take the year of establishment into consideration while weighing the merits and demerits of a college. It’s better to select a college that passedout at least two or three batches rather the new ones. Indeed, the older colleges have better facilities than the new ones. 
Quality of a college is also being analyzing by institutions such as AICTE, the National Board of Accridation (NBC), the National Assessment and Accredation Council (NAAC) and the University Grants Commission (UGC). Accredation levels given by these institutions are very good indications of the quality of a college
You can get to know the details of students those who have taken admission in that college last year, their opening and closing ranks from the internet. These data shall give you a fair idea of the college. In Engineerig education impact of the peers and seniors is quite high; hence, you shall also take these details also into cognizance.
You shall also see the results of the college in respective branches and marks of the students. The number of university-level gold medalists, campus placement record an industry linkage speak volumes about the college. You shall give priority to the colleges that are encouraging students to engage in research. 

5. I would like to join in a top Engineering College. What should I do? Ans:Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are the prestigious engineering institutions in India. There are about 9647 seats are available in total of 16 IITs. National Institutes of Technology (NITs) stand next IITs, 30 NITs in total have 15,421 seats. 
There are quite a few of university engineering colleges and private engineering colleges that are offering quality engineering eudcaiton. 
If you want to join in top colleges, you have to obtain a decent rank in respective entrance exams. Good rank in IIT-JEE is the visa to a top college. If you want to join campus colleges of Osamania University, Andhra Univeristy or JNTUH, JNTUK and JNTUA, you have to top EAMCET. 

6. I am a girl, can I take Mechanical branch? 
Ans: “Engineering is not for Grils” was a prominent slogan once. Non-circuit branches are not for girls - is today’s slogan. Girls can do well in any branch. Indeed, girls are joining in non-circuit branches such as Mechanical and Civil in good numbers. The only thing is - you should be ready to toil in workshops for long hours in standing postures. Girls with the confidence to withstand such demanding conditions can happliy join Mechanical. 

7. What is the eligibility to write EAMCET (Engineering)? What is the upper age limit?
Ans: You must have compelted your Intermediate with Maths, Physics and Chemistry. Those who are writing their final exams also can apply. General category students must have minimum 45 % marks. The student must have 16 years of age by December month of Examination year. There is no upper age limit to attend EAMCET (Engineering). 

8. How to get admission in prestigious IITs? 
Ans: The student who wants to join IITs should have paased his Intermediate and must be within the Top 20% percentail bracket. 
- He should be within first 1,50,000 in JEE Mains. Then they will be qualified for JEE Advanced exam.
- Then, he should bag rank in JEE Adnaced. IITs admissions are based on the rank in JEE Advanced. 
Eligibility to attend JEE Main is 10+2. Those who have failed in Inter/10+2 can also apply for JEE Main. This exam can be attemped only thrice. While 10 lakh students attempt JEE Mains, 1.5 lakh students will be qualified for JEE Advanced. They must be within the Top 20% percentail bracket (Category wise) in their respective Board exams. IIT admission would be made according to the ranks in JEE Advaned (Category wise). 

9. Are JEE Main and Adanced tests being conducted both online and offline?
Ans: JEE Mains is being conducted in both online and offline modes. However, JEE Advanced is being conducted only in offline based. 

10. I would like to engineering in National Institutes of Technology (NITs). Which entrance exams should write and how many seats are there in NITs?One shall take All India Joint Entrance Examination (ALJEE) for the admission into NITs, IIITs and quite a few other technical institutions. There are about 15,241 seats are there in 30 NITs. The details are as following:

NIT, Agarthala – 787 seats
MNIT, Ahmedabad – 814 seats
NIT, Bhopal – 817 seats
NIT, Kalicut – 907 seats
NIT, Durgapur – 824 seats
NIT, Hamirpur – 462 seats,
NIT, Jaipur – 648 seats,
NIT, Jalandhar – 786 seats,
NIT, Jamshedpur – 601 seats,
NIT, Kurushetra – 832 seats,
VNIT, Nagpur – 676 seats,
NIT, Raipur – 893 seats,
NIT, Rurkela – 810 seats,
NIT, Shilchar – 490 seats,
NIT, Srinagar – 632 seats,
NIT, Surat – 710 seats,
NIT, Suratkal – 740 seats,
NIT, Tiruchirapalli – 768 seats,
NIT, Warangal – 740 seats,
NIT, Arunachal Pradesh – 70 seats,
NIT, Delhi – 90seats,
NIT, Goa – 90seats,
NIT, Manipur – 90seats,
NIT, Meghalaya – 90seats,
NIT, Mizoram – 90seats,
NIT, Nagaland – 90seats,
NIT, Pandicherry – 90seats,
NIT, Sikkim – 90seats,
NIT, Uttarakhand – 120seats,
11. What is the weightage given to Intermediate/10+2 in Engieering admissions? How the weightage is calculated? Ans: In the past, engineering admissions were given based on the rank in entrance exam. However, of late importance of Intermeidate marks is on the rise. Those who are in Top 20% percentail of Intermeadiate alone are qualified to attempt JEE Advanced. Likewise, in AP, Intermediate marks are being considered for 25 % weightage in calculation of EAMCET ranks. 

12. How to excel in Civi Engineering? 
Ans: Civil Engineers would do two types of jobs viz. i). job on work site and ii). designing jobs in office. For both types of jobs, you should have commond on basic subjects. 

13. I would like to opt for Civil Engineering branch. However, I am not interested in field work. Cannot I do civil engineering without field work? Ans:Field work helps you to gain first-hand knowledge, as well as better opprtunites. Still if you don’t like the field work, you can enroll yourself for software programmes such as AutoCAD, STAD, NCS and work in the areas of building design and virtual construction.

14. Can girls opt for branches like Civil, Mechanical and Metallurgy? 
Ans: It’s only a misconception that girls cannot go for branches such as Civil. Girls are free to join in any branch based upon their interest. They also can join Mechanical Engineerng. However, one should have interest in that particular branch. 

15: What are the other departments that recruit mechancial engineers? 
Ans: Mechanical engineers used to get jobs only automobile and machinery sectors. However, today the situation has improved. Now they are able get opportunities in sectors such as Biomechanics, Automobile and Aviation, Robotics, Nano Technology, Nano Engineering, among others. 

16. What are the courses that add value to Mechanical engineering? 
Ans: Mechanical is an evergreen branch since several centuries. Mechanical engineers are needed in several manufacturing segments ranging from industrial machinery get aerospace engines. Students with good grip over core subjects are always in demand. However, short-term courses such as CAD, CAM, HAVC, CITIA, AMSIS and type writing will the students much more desirable in job market. 

17. What are the important subjects in ECE branch and how to master them?
Ans: To stand out in ECE, it is important for the students to improve their knowledge about the three Components of ECE viz. Electronics, Signals and Technology Updates. 
They should focus on - Electronic Devices and Communications in the first year, Signals and Systems, Switching Theory, Analog Communications, Linier Digital IC Circuits in the second year and Digital Communications, Computer Organisations, Micro Process, Antenna and Wave Preparation in the third year. 
By working on these subjects, one can get the foundational knowledge about the manufacturing and functioning of the electronic devises. Constant work towards improvement of fundamental knowledge of the subject is quite crucial for the students. 

18. How to stand out in EEE branch? 
Ans: The students of EEE shall focus on mathematics in the first year, Electrical Circuits, Electrical Measurements in the second year, Control Systems, Power Systems in the third year and Electrical Machines, Machine Desiging, Electric Drives and Standing Control in the fourth year. This branch requires critical and logical thinking. 

19. Opportunities for electrical engineers are confined only to Power Sector or are there any other opportunities? 
Ans: In today’s world of IT, electrical students are making their core subject as root, and branching out to other sectors such as Electronics, Information and Communications, and Instrumentation. It is imperative for Electrical students to join in courses such as C Language, Data Structures, and Matcab in the first year itself. 

20. To join Biotechnology branch, should a student possess any special skills? 
Ans: The students who would like to join in this branch shall have logical and analytical thinking and interest in experiments. Genetics and biology are today being used for creation of new seed varities. Services of Biotechnologists are very much needed in food production and health sectors. They have played very vital role in creation of synthetic insulin and Genome Database. Biotechonolgy branch consists of courses of applied Biotechnology, Bio-informatics, advanced biotechinical, biochemical subjects. 

21. How is the future for Environmental Engineering? How to excel in that branch? 
Ans: Objective of Environmental Engirneering is to control the damage to environment by deploying the the science and technological applications. This branch would be comprised of subject such as Public Health, Recycling and Waste Disposal Management. 
Many universities are offering Engineering as an allied subject Civil Engineerng or Chemical Engieering. As part of Environemntal Engineering, civil engineers study Hydrology, Water Resource Management, Bio-remediation and Water Treatment Plant Design; and chemical engineers study Environmental Chemistry, Advanced Air and Water Treatment Techonlogy. 

22. What are “Core Branches” of engineering? Do they alone provide bright careers or other branches also help to succeed in the career? 
Ans: Let’s take the help of a small anology to understand the answer to this question. Patients used to visit Doctors of General Medicine for all their ailments. But today every organ has its specialists and spcialisations. Likewise, several news branches have emerged fom the core branches of engineering. 
Irrespective of number of new branches, Civil, Mechanical, EEE and ECE form the core of the engineering. That doesn’t mean other branches are inferior. There are quite a lot of allied branches to these core branches. For example, Automobile Engineering and Industrial Production Engieerng are the related to Mechanical branch. For ECE, Electronics and Instrumentation is the allied branch. 

23. Is it true that all the branches are equal? Ans:Today, there are about 163 engineering branches avaialbe in India. However, undboubtedly ECE, EEE, CSE and Mechanical branches form the foundation for all these branches. Remaining branches are either allied branches to the Core branches or alternatives to them. In today’s job market, any branch is the same if the student has a good academic track record. The IT and services companies, which are the major employees of today’s market, are recruiting students with good academic record irrespective of their branch. 

24: What is the difference between CSE, ECE and EEE?
Ans: Each branch focuses on different aspects. CSE focuses on Software design and development, ECE focuses on communicatios and EEE focuses on electrical subjects. 

25. I am not good at Mathematics. Is mathematical knowledge is must to become an Engineer? Ans:Mathematics is a vital part of engineering studies. Every branch has extensive mathematical applications. That’s why engineering students should not only possess mathematical knowledge, but shall also have grip on physics and chemistry. If you are weak at mathematics, you should consider taking the help of a tutor. 

26. I have comepleted my Intermediate with MPC. I am good at sciences, but not interested in maths. Please suggest me a suitable branch? 
Ans: You cannot imagine an engineering branch without mathematics, physics and chemistry. They are very much used in every engineering branch. Since you are not interested in mathematics, you may consider the subjects such as Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Food Technology, Food Science Engineering, Biomedical Engieering. To excel in these branches, you must have to work on the subjects and their applications from the very beginning of your course. 

27. I am good at Physcis. Which branch in Engineering will match my interest? 
Ans: Those who are interested Physics can opt for Computer Science and Engineering, and Electronics and Communications. Physics rules are being applied in every design of every electronic devise from Radio to LCD. That’s why you can opt for ECE. When it come CSE, every programming needs logical thinking. This ability also requires knowledge of Physics. Thus you can opt for either ECE or CSE.

28. What are the additional skills that engineering students should possess? 
Ans: Engineering students generally think that it would be enough if they know subject and techinic. However, soft skills (Communication, Interpersonal Management and Team Compatibiltiy) are another key area which they should focus upon. Then only they can shine in both academics and career. Students from rural areas are particularly lagging behing in soft skills. They should take expert help if need be. 

29. Which branch seats are getting filled up first in Andhra Pradesh? 
Ans: ECE seats are being filled up as majority students are showing keenness in that branch. EEE, CSE, Mechanical and Civil are standing next in the students’ priority. 

30. Which documents should I submit to qualify for Fee Reiumbursement? Ans:The State Government has been extending Fee Reiumbursement facility to the students from SC, ST and OBC categories. SC, ST students can enroll their name for fee reimbursement by submitting their Caste Certificates and OBC students can avail the facility by submitting their Income Certificates. 
Students from Open Categotry who are below Rs. 1 lakh annual income can avail the facility by their submitting EBC (Economically Backward Classes) Certificate. These certificates must have been issued by MRO/Thasildar in the financial year of verification. Certificates of previous financial year are invalid. 

31. Are MPC students eligible for B.Pharmacy Course?Ans: Yes, they are. In AP, the B.Pharmacy seats are bifurcated, i.e. 50% for MPC students and BiPC students. While the seats that are allocated to MPC students are being filled through Engineering Web Counselling, the remaining 50% seats for BiPC students are being filled through a special counselling. 

32. Anybody can get a software job if they do some shrt-term courses. Why should I study engineering with Computer Science branch? Ans:Those who learnt some technologies by attending short-term courses can do jobs only on those particular technologies. They wouldn’t survive if that technology lost relevance in job market. Computer Science graduates would have better knowledge than general graduates. They can easily withstand the changing technological scenarios in the IT field. 

33. How to do aviation courses? 
Ans: No government college is offering courses in aviation. It’s better study aviation at M.Tech. level. 

34. Can I change my branch in second year? 
Ans: You can never change your branch once you have taken admission into the course. 

35: What is Aeronautical Engineering all about? 
Ans: Aeronatical Engineering basically takes care of two functions viz. design and manufacture of airbourne machines such as aeropalnes, helicoptersa and satilites.
This branch covers areas such as Fundamentals of Propulsion, Electronics, Automatic Control Guidance, Theory of Aerodynamics, Structural Analysis, Material Science and Fluid Dynamics. 
Aeronautical Engineers are placed not only in design and development, but also in management and teaching. They have good demand in the manufacturing companies of aircrafts, airturban production plants and aviation design units. Now they are being hired by ISRO, DRDO in government sector and industries that are working in the areas of aviation, aircrafts, satellite, and defene hardware in the private sector. 

36. Some say that it is not good to go for specialisation at undergraduate level. Is that true?Ans:Any subject would be extensive at B.Tech. level. Student can get grip over basics of subject by undergoing such generalistic programme. They one can opt for specilisation at PG level. That’s why it’s better to study fundamental subjects at undergraduate level. 
If student is inclined to become either Aeronautical Engineer or Mechanical Engineer and he has strong guidance and mentorship from the family or well-wishers, then he can think about specilising at undergraduate level. They must also take the things such as educational and employment opprtunites after the spcilisation. 

37. I am listening about a lot of new specialisations. Are all of them are really valid branches? Some say that graduates of these new specilisations are eligible for government jobs. Is that true? Ans:Yes, it is true that quite a lot of new specilisations are coming up every year and one should really be cautious while opting for them. Students’ demand for engineering seats is one of the main reasons for the speciaisations. Arrival of new technologies is another reason for specilisations. 
Following are the Branch-wise specilisations:
Civil Engineering Specilisations: Structural Engineering and Civil Environmental Engineering.
Computer Specilisations: Computer Science, Systems Engineering, Systems Science and Software Engineering. 
IT Specilisations: Information Technology, ICT, Information Science, Information Science and Engineering and Telecomunication Engineering. 
Instrumentation Specilisations: Electronics and Instrumentation, Applied Electronics and Instrumentation, Electronics and Instrumentation, Electronics Control System and Instrumentation Technology. 
Bio-engineering Specilisations: Bio-engineering, Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biochemical, Intigrated M.Sc. Biochemical and Biotech, Industrial Biotechnology. 
Aeronautical Specilisations: Aeronautical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering. 
Agriclure and allied Specilisations: Agriculture and Food Engineering, Agriculture Engineering, Food and Biochemical, Food Processing Technology. 
Automobile Specilisations: Automobile Engineering, Automotive Engineering and Transportation Engineering. 
Chemical related Specilisations: Chemical Engineering, Chemical and Polymar, Siramics and Cement, Petrochemical Engineering, Polymar Engineering, Polymar Science and Chemical Technology. 
Electrical and Electronics Specilisations: Electrical and Electronics, Electrical, Electronics, Electrical (Power), Electronics and Telematics, Electronics and Telecom, Electronics and Computers. 

38. What are the tough subjects in engineering first year? How to get commond over them? 
Ans: In the present curricurlum, first year syllabus is common for all the branches. All the subjects of first year can be described as extention of Maths, Physics and Chemistry that you have learnt in Intermediate. Engineering Graphics and Engineering Mechanics are tough subjects. Engineering Graphics is also called as Engineering Drawing and it is all about understanding the important geometric components of a product. 
This is relatively new subject to students. That’s why they have to carefully learn the bascis of this subject. The objective this subject is to provide the complete skill to product designers. Students have to draw an object from different angels such as front view, rear view, top view and side view only based on imagination. 
One should have visualization technics to stand out in this subject. Engineering Mechanics subject is completely based on Physics principles. It is all about studying action and reaction of an object in rest and motion. This subject consists of topics such as Statistics, Dynamics, Strength of Materials, Deformable bodies and Fluid Mechanics. If you want to do well in this subject, you should not only read the reference books carefully, but also invest time on practice. 

39. What does it mean by Locan and Non-local? Who are Locals? 
Ans: In Andhra Pradesh, there are three university regions viz. Osmania University, Andhra University and Sri Venkateswara University. Andra University region includes Nagarjuna University. Likewise, Sri Krishnadevaraya University comes under Sri Venkateswara University and Kakatiya University comes under Osmania University. As per the present norms, 85% seats would ermarked for the Locals and for reamining 15% seats both Locals and Non-locals are eligible.
Andhra University Area: Srikakulam, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari and West Godavari districts. Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam districts come under this region through Nagarjuna University. 
SV University Area: Nellore, Chittore, Anantapur, Kurnool and Kadapa districts. 
Osmania University Area: Khammam, Karimnagar, Nalgonda, Adilabad, Mahabubnagar, Nizamabad, Warangal, Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy and Medak districts. 
If a student studied four consecutive years in one area before Intermediate, he would become Local to that area. If this four-year status cannot be determined, another three descending years would be counted. 
The total seven years period would determine the place of student. If a student is not qualified in these tests, then he/she would be considered as Non-local candidate. 

40: Should I use state rank or local rank in Web-based Counselling? Is Local rank useful in any way? 
Ans: EAMCET state councilling is always based on state rank and Local Rank is never considered in this counselling process. 

41. Is the Local and Non-local distinction applied to all colleges in the state? Is there any exemption to University Campus Colleges and JNTU Colleges? 
Ans: Local and Non-local distinction is applied to all colleges in the state. There is no exemption to any college. 

42. Is the Local and Non-local distinction applied to JNTU Collegs? Or they consider entire state as Local? 
Ans: After trifurcation of JNTU, there was a change in resercation policy. JNTU-Hyderabad and Karimnagar colleges consider students from Telangana districts as Local, JNTU Kakinada and Vijayanagarm Colleges consider students AU Region students as Locals and JNTU – Anantapur and Pulivendula colleges consider students from Rayalaseema and Nellore distrcts as Locals and 85% seats are ermarked for them. For remaining 15% seats, students from any region can compete. 

43. What is NRI Quota? 
Ans: Out of total 30% of Management Quots seats, half of the seats are allocated for NRIs. Fee for this segment is US$ 5,000.

44. I did my Intermediate in Hyderabad, studied my Class X and IX in Vizag and Class VI to VIII in Tirupathi. To which area I become a Local? Ans: In such a situation, between your Class VI and Intermediate, the region in which you spent highest number of years in stipulated Seven Years Period would become your region. In present case, you will be Local to SVU region. 

45. What are the statewide and non-statewide institutions? 
Ans: The universities that represent entire state are called statewide universities. The colleges that are affiliated to Osmania, Sri Venkatewara and Andhra Universites are considered as non-statewide institutions. While non-statewide institutions follow 85:15 Local-Non-local distinction, the statewide institutions follow 42%, 36% and 22% reservation for students from Coastal Andhra, Telangana and Rayalaseema regions, respectively. 

46. What is Management Quota? What is the method of fillin this quota seats? Will the number of seats increase under this quota this year? 
Ans: In the colleges, 70% seats are filled through “Convenor Quota” and remaining 30% seats are considered as “Management Quota”. These seats would be filled by Managements. A student can get seat under this quota even if he didn’t attend EAMCET, however he should 45% marks in Intermediate if he is from Open Category and 40% marks if he is from Reserved Category. Those who have attempted EAMCET also can apply for admissions under this quota. Seats would be allocated to according to the final merit list. 

47. How the reservations would be implemented? Ans: Out 100% seats, 50% seats are reserved for Open Category, 29% seats are reserved for BC category (7% for BC-A, 10% for BC-B, 1% for BC-C and 7% for BC-D), 15% seats are reserved for SCs and 6% seats are reserved for STs. Across the categories, 33.33% seats are reserved for women, 1% seats are resvered for NCC Cadets, 0.5% for sports quota, 2 % seats for children of Armed Forces members and 3% seats are reserved for Physcially Challenged candidates. 

48: How many colleges are there in Andhra Pradesh? 
Ans: There are about 707 Engineering Colleges and 280 Pharmacy colleges in our state and they have 3,34,590 seats and 29,000 seats, respectively. 

49: Can the colleges collect additional fees other than what students pay at the Counselling? Which authority receives complaint in such instances? 
Ans: Besides the counselling fees, students have to pay special fee in colleges. As per the decision of Advanced Fee Regulatory Commission, no college shall collect specil fee more than Rs. 5,500. This fee consists of college development fee, Deposit, and college accreditation fee. Colleges shall collect the amount, which is decided by the Judges Committee. If speicl fee exceeds the prescribed limit, such incidents can be brought to the notice of Andhra Pradesh State Higher Education Council.

50. How much does it cost to complete Engineering? How much does cost to study in campus colleges, privates colleges, IITs and NITs? 
Ans: Fee for Engineering Courses is revised every year. Fees also vary from state to state and college to college. Last year, fee of Engineering course was in between Rs. 51,800 and Rs. 1,05,000. From 2013-14 academic year, annual fee at IITs is going up from present Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 90,000. To complete the four-year B.Tech course it costs between Rs. 3 lakh and 7lakh. 

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