B.Ed EDCET Results and Intial Key 2011

ndhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) has conducted the edcet examination very successfully on June 4 2011 Saturday. The Entrance test was conducted at 457 centers very successfully. This exam provides entrance for the students into 615 B.Ed Colleges which are going to recruit almost 65,000 Students.

Total Number of Students who applied for the examination: 2,13,045
Percentage of Students who attended the Exam: 89% Approx

EDCET Inital Key and Results:
The initial key for the Edcet Examination is going to be released on 9th of June and the results are going to be announced on the Last Week of June, and the counseling is to be likely begun on First week of August.

The Students can access the Intial Key and Results from the official website of EDCET.

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