RPSC Recruitment 2011 : Complete Information


This Time RPSC invites Online application for Grade-II Teacher in Secondary Education Department of Rajasthan Government. There are Total 10107  Vacancies. Last date for online registration: 30th June, 2011. Candidates having all eligibility conditions according to the advertisement can apply.

Post Name
Pay Scale
Grade –II Teachers
Match: 2373
Science: 2373
English: 2373
Hindi: 1494
Social Science:1494
PB-2 Rs. 9300 – 34800
Grade Pay: Rs. 3600

Education Qualification
  • Subject: Science
    Graduate or equivalent examination with zoology, Botany and Chemistry as optional Subjects.)
    Degree or Diploma in Education recognized by Government of Rajasthan.)
  • Subject: English, Hindi and Match
    Graduate or equivalent examination with concerned subject as optional subject.)
    Degree or Diploma in Education recognized by Government of Rajasthan.)
  • Subject: Social Science
    (Graduate or equivalent examination with at least too subjects out of the subjects- History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration and Philosophy as optional subjects.)
    Degree or Diploma in Education recognized by Government of Rajasthan.)
Application Fee
Rs.250/- (Rs.150/- for OBC of non-creamy layer, Rs.50/- for SC/ST)

Selection Procedure
Senior Teacher (Grade-II) Secondary Education Competition Examination 2011
For the competitive examination for the post of senior teacher :-
  1. The question paper will carry maximum 200 marks.
  2. Duration of question paper will be 2.00 hours.
  3. The question paper will carry 100 questions of multiple choices.
  4. Paper shall include following subjects carrying the number of marks as shown against them :-
    (i) Geographical, Historical, Cultural and general knowledge of Rajasthan. 80 marks
    (ii) Current Affairs of Rajasthan 20 marks
    (iii) General knowledge of world and India 60 marks
    (iv) Educational Psychology. 40 marks
    Total 200 marks
  5. The detailed syllabus and scope of paper for the examination will be as prescribed by the Commission from time to time and will be intimated to the candidates within the stipulated time in the manner as the Commission deems fit.
A. For the post of Senior Teacher :-
  1. The question paper will carry maximum 300 marks.
  2. Duration of question paper will be 2.00 Hours 30 Minutes
  3. The question paper will carry 150 questions of multiple choices.
  4. Paper shall include following subjects carrying the number of marks as shown against them :-
    (i) Knowledge of secondary and senior secondary standard about relevant subject matter. 180 marks
    (ii) knowledge of graduation standard about relevant subject matter 80 marks
    (iii) Teaching methods of relevant subject. 40 marks
    Total 300 marks
  5. The detailed syllabus and scope of paper for the examination will be as prescribed by the Commission from time to time and will be intimated to the candidates within the stipulated time in the manner as the Commission deems fit.
How to Apply
Candidates  may apply online at RPSC website on or before 30/06/2011

Important links

Read more: http://rpsconline.rajasthan.gov.in/

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