www.indiapost.gov.in - Direct Recruitment Examination For Postal/Sorting Assistant

Postal/Sorting Assistant Direct Recruitment Examination 2011-2012

Applications are invited from retired state/centraUArmy Doctors having a graduate
Allopathic medical degree recognized by AMC and Ministry of Health & Family welfare
For l(One) post of medical officer at the postal dispensary Jalpaiguri on contract basis fr the
period of 3Three) months which may be extended for another 3Three) months or till regular
Incumbent joins whichever is earlier at a consolidated remuneration of Rs13,125/ per month.
Application along with photocopies of all the certificates and testimonials, two copies of
passport size photographs should be sent to the Assistant Postmaster general, North Bengal
& Sikkim Region Siliguri-734001 by_26-n--2012.
Other relevant terms and conditions are available at website www.indiapost,gov.in.
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