- Mysore University has published LLB (Integrated Semester 3rd Year and 5th Year) Examination Results 2011

Mysore University has published LLB (Integrated Semester 3rd Year and 5th Year) Examination Results 2011. Mysore University LLB (Integrated Semester3/5 Year) Exam Results announced on 14th August, 2011. The Examinationheld during June / July 2011. To know more information about the results, visit the University's officials website :
The University of Mysore is among the foremost institutions of its kind, and is an enduring symbol in the sphere of higher education in India. The University of Mysore became the first University outside the domain of the English administration in India, the sixthUniversity in India as a whole, and the first ever University in Karnataka.
During the institution of the University in 1916, four faculties were constituted viz., Arts, Science, Engineering and Technology, and Medicine. Seperate Boards of Studies and Boards of Examiners were constituted in 28 subjects. The University was also administering 12 other educational institutions.
To get University of Mysore (UOM) LL B (Integrated Semester 3Y/5Y) Examinations held during June / July 2011 Results :  Click to Results 

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