- recruitmentNotification

Karnataka High Court published notification no. HCE 623/2006 on July 2011 to Appointment of Law Clerk – cum – Research Assistants. There are Total 31 vacancies of Law Clerks-cum-Research Assistants. Candidates who are eligible and interested may apply through proper channel. Closing date for applications: 19th Aug, 2011.

Karnataka High Court Recruitment 2011 details
  1. Law Clerk – cum – Research Assistants
    Total Vacancies: 31 posts
    Pay : Rs. 10000/-,
    Qualification : Degree in Law with a minimum of 55% marks
The assignment will be from the date of appointment till 31.01.2012. During the period of assignment the Law Clerk-cum-Research Assistant will be paid a monthly honorarium of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only).

Only those who have taken a recognized Degree in Law with a minimum of 55% marks, after undergoing a regular course and who have enrolled as an Advocate with the Karnataka State Bar Council on or after 01.01.2008 and whose date of birth is on or after 01.01.1980 are eligible to apply. Applications of ineligible candidates will be summarily rejected without any notice.

Method of Selection:
Committee of Judges constituted by the Chief Justice will select the candidates on the basis of academic record, achievements in cocurricular activities and performance in the interview. If there are large number of applicants, candidates will be short-listed for interview on the basis of academic record and achievements in cocurricular activities.

Documents to accompany the application:
There is no prescribed format of Application. The candidates who are eligible and willing to apply should furnish all details and should be accompanied by a passport sizephotograph of the applicant, selfattested photocopies of the Certificates to prove age, educational qualification, enrolment with the Karnataka State Bar Council and achievements in co-curricular activities.

How to Apply
Applications along with the documents should reach the Registrar General, High Courtof Karnataka, Bangalore before 5 p.m. on 19.08.2011. Applications received thereafter will not be considered. On top of the cover containing the application the following words shall be written.

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