www.indianbank.in Indian Bank Recruitments

  Indian Bank Jobs 2012 – Specialist Officer Vacancies: Indian Bank, a leading Public Sector Bank, with headquarters in Chennai having geographical presence all over India and abroad invites applications from Indian Citizens for recruitment of 19 Specialist Officers in Senior Management Grade. Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before 30-11-2012. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, application fee details, selection process and how to apply are given below…

INDIAN BANK, a leading Public Sector Bank, with headquarters in Chennai having geographical presence all over India and abroad invites applications from Indian Citizens for the post of SPECIALIST OFFICERS in Senior Management Grade:
Please read this advertisement carefully and ensure your eligibility before applying. Fee once paid is not refundable. The prescribed Application format is made available on the Bank’s website www.indianbank.in.
Payment of Application fees ( Demand Draft) 15.11.2012 – 30.11.2012
Last Date for receipt of scanned copy of the filled in application by e-mail (hohrm@indianbank.co.in)
Eligible candidates are advised to take printout of the application from our website and send us the duly filled up application with copies of certificates and Demand Draft to our office by Registered Post. In addition, candidates are advised to send the scanned copy of the filled in application by e-mail to hohrm@indianbank.co.in without fail before 30.11.2012.

Asst. General Manager (Treasury)  2
Asst. General Manager (Accounts) 1
Asst. General Manager (Taxation)   1
Asst. General Manager (Human Resources)1
Chief Manager (Credit)10
Chief Manager (Planning)1
Chief Manager (Budget)1
Chief Manager(Risk Management)1
Chief Manager (Chartered Accountant)1
Total No of Vacancies: 19
Names of Posts:
1. Asst. General Manager (Treasury): 02 posts
2. Asst. General Manager (Accounts): 01 post
3. Asst. General Manager (Taxation): 01 post
4. Asst. General Manager (Human Resources): 01 post
5. Chief Manager (Credit): 10 posts
6. Chief Manager (Planning): 01 post
7. Chief Manager (Budget): 01 post
8. Chief Manager (Risk Management): 01 post
9. Chief Manager (Chartered Accountant): 01 post

Read more: Indian Bank Jobs 2012 - Specialist Officer Vacancies | FreeJobAlert.com h
f Vacancies: 19
Names of Posts:
1. Asst. General Manager (Treasury): 02 posts
2. Asst. General Manager (Accounts): 01 post
3. Asst. General Manager (Taxation): 01 post
4. Asst. General Manager (Human Resources): 01 post
5. Chief Manager (Credit): 10 posts
6. Chief Manager (Planning): 01 post
7. Chief Manager (Budget): 01 post
8. Chief Manager (Risk Management): 01 post
9. Chief Manager (Chartered Accountant): 01 post
Age Limit: Candidate age must be below 45 years for Asst. General Manager post and below 40 years for Chief Manager. Cutoff date for determining age limit would be 01-07-2012. (Age relaxations will be extended as per rules).
Educational Qualification: Candidate must possess Chartered Accountant for Asst General Manager (Accounts, Taxation) posts, CA / CFA / PG Degree or PG Diploma in Management subjects for Chief Manager (Credit) post, Post Graduate in Economics / Econometrics preferably MBA with specialization in finance for Chief Manager (Planning) post and for remaining posts candidate should refer to the notification.
Application Fee Details: Candidates need pay Rs. 400/- (Application Fee Rs. 350 + Postal Charges Rs. 50/-) and SC/ST/PWD candidates need to pay Rs. 50/- towards Postal Charges. Fee must be paid in form of Demand Draft drawn on Chennai in favour of “Indian Bank – Recruitment of Specialist Officers – Nov 2012”.
Selection Procedure: Candidates will be selected on the basis of Interview or Group Discussion and Interview.
How to Apply: Candidates need to download application format from Indian Bank Website, fill it with all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe the “ Application for the post of ____ in Indian Bank” and send along with DD and attested copies of the certificates / documents for proof of date of birth, educational qualification, work experience, community certificate, age relaxation and other related documents by Registered post to the following address “Asst. General Manager (HRM), Indian Bank, Corporate Office, 254 – 260, Avvai Shanmugam Salai, Royapettah, Chennai 600 014″ on or before 30-11-2012. Scanned Copy of the duly filled in application should be sent by email to hohrm@indianbank.co.in on or before 30-11-2012.
Important Dates:
Payment of Application fees (DD): 15-11-2012 to 30-11-2012
Last Date for receipt of scanned copy of the filled in application by e-mail: 30-11-2012
For more details like vacancy distribution, pay scale, reservations, other requirements and other instructions, click on the link given below…

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Read more: Indian Bank Jobs 2012 - Specialist Officer Vacancies | FreeJobAlert.com http://www.freejobalert.com/indian-bank-jobs/11220/#ixzz2DLBFSjy4

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