
The Singareni Collieries Company Limited  is a Government company located at Kothagudem, Andhra Pradesh, India require men for Mining Graduate Trainees, Mine Surveyor and Junior Mining Engineer Trainee. Interested and eligible candidates apply online at www.scclmines.com website within 08th Sep, 2011. Knowledge of Telugu is desirable. There are total 167 vacancies in SCCL, post wise vacancies and other SCCLrecruitment information given below:
  1. Mining Graduate Trainees (Men)
    No. of vacancies: 57 posts in E-1 Grade, Age limit: 28 years
  2. Mine Surveyor (Men)
    No. of vacancies : 10 posts, Age limit: 34 years
  3. Junior Mining Engineer Trainee (Men)
    No of vacancies: 100 posts, Age limit: 24 years
Qualification: Candidates who want to see details about educational qualification and experience may see complete advertisement, link given below. 

Method of SelectionWritten Test and Interview

How to Apply 
  1. Candidates may apply online => Click to apply online 
  2. After online registration take printout and send it to Director (PA&W), The Singareni Collieries Co. Ltd., Recruitment Cell, Kothagudem - 507101, Khammam District (AP) on or before 19/09/2011
See complete details at :http://scclmines.com/careers.asp

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