AP ICET Seat Allotment Order 2012, ICET 2012 Seat Allotment Order Result, ICET 2012 Counselling Seat Allotment Result 2012, ICET Counselling Seat Allotment Order 2012, ICET 2012 Counselling Seat Allotment Order Result 2012, ICET 2012 2nd Counselling, ICET 2012 Second Round Couselling Dates, Schedule, Download ICET Seat Allotment Order 2012, ICET 2012 Seat Allotment, Rank Card, ICET 21 October 2012 (21.10.2012) Seat Allotment Order, Download ICET 2012 Counselling Seat Allotment Order Result, www.apicet.nic.in
Andhra Pradesh Integrated Common Entrance Test (ICET) counselling completed successfully on 19 October 2012. Now candidates are waiting for their ICET 2012 Seat Allotment Order Result. ICET Seat Allotment 2012 details will available on 21 October 2012. So get ready to check your ICET 2012 Seat Allotment Result 2012. Those who got colleges they can join alloted college till 27 October 2012. AP ICET Examconduct for those who want to do MBA & MCA Courses. Classes will going to start from 29 October 2012. Candidates can also download ther ICET Counselling Rank Card & Seat Allotment order from the given below link.
Students those who not get any college they can sit for ICET 2012 Second Round Counselling which going to held on 29, 30 & 31 October 2012. So don’t loose your hope may be in this second chance you got selected. Candidates can easily download theirICET Seat Allotment Order Result 2012 by typing their ICR Form Number, Hall Ticket Number, Password & Date of Birth on the given below link. Download directly your AP ICET Seat Allotment Order & Rank Card by clicking on given below link.Please use Internet Explorer Browser for best result.