How to Apply

  • Procedure for Depositing Fee:
    The application fee must be paid in cash, separately for each post at any branch of Punjab National Bank. Before depositing the fee, the candidate must ensure that he/she meets the eligibility criteria of the post(s) for which he is applying and then download a copy of the Cash voucher from our website -Link-> Recruitment.. The voucher will be in duplicate. The voucher be filled up and thereafter be presented at any Branch of PNB, along with the application fee. The following details must be entered into both copies of the voucher: (i) Candidate's Name (ii) Candidate's Category (iii) Name & Code Number of the branch selected for payment (iv) Date of Payment and (v) Fee to be paid. After payment, the candidate must ensure that the transaction ID generated is entered into the voucher. The candidate's copy of the voucher will then be handed over to him/her Payment of fee should be made from 24.06.2011 to 15.07.2011. The date will be the same for candidates belonging to far-flung areas.  
  • Procedure to Apply:
    Before applying online a candidate will be required to have a scanned (digital) image of his photograph and signature as per the specifications given below at point no. 8.3.
    i) Candidates should first scan their photograph and signature, ensuring that both the photograph and signature are within the required specifications. If the size of the file is more than the specified limit then adjust the settings of the scanner.
    ii) Candidates should log onto our website >Recruitment. The candidates must apply online only
    iii) The transaction ID provided by the Branch after payment must be quoted in the application and the Original Cash voucher must be produced along with the call letter at the time of the written test.
    iv) Application Registration on our website will remain open from 24.06.2011 to 15.07.2011. On-line applications are to be processed by a computerized system. It is essential that the application is properly and completely filled in. Candidates should keep a printout of the duly submitted application for future reference.
    vi) The candidate should have a valid personal email id. This will enable him/her to receive call letter/ interview advice etc. by email.
Call Letters for the Written Test
The date of the Written Test for postcodes 1-12 is tentatively fixed as 28.08.2011. However, it will be intimated in the Call Letter along with the Centre/Venue for the Examination, well in advance of the date of the Written Examination.

Procedure for obtaining call letters for attending written test:
All eligible candidates will be required to download their call letter and the Information Handout from the Bank's website Link (Recruitment) tentatively after 10.08.2011. Candidates should note that the call letters will not be sent through Post / Courier etc.

In case of any difficulty in downloading the call letter the candidate should contact the Help Desk as mentioned in FAQ with regard to downloading the call letter. In case of any other difficulty the candidate should contact the concerned Circle Office of the Bank located at the Centre for written test he/she has opted for, at the addresses given below:-

Sr. No.
Name of Centre of Written Examination
Centre Code No
Address of the Circle Office of the Bank located at the Centre of Written Examination.
Rayala Tower, 3rd Floor, 158-Annasalai-CHENNAI-600002 Tel-044-667857233,66785730 Fax-044-6678754
Circle Office, North Delhi, Rajendra Bhawan, Rajendra Place, New Delhi-110008 Tel. No. 011 -25864288 Fax No. 011-25731026-25731250
AG Tower, 3rd Floor, 125/1, Park Street,, Kolkata -700017 Tel. No. 033 - 22171825, 22171506; Fax No. 033 - 22291514
Maker Towers,F-wing,7th Floor. Cuffe Parade, Mumbai-400005 Tel. 022-22186405,22161399 Fax-022-22152190, 22161399

Last Date for Registration of Online Applications    : 15.07.2011

The above advertisement can also be viewed at the Bank's Website:-

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