Allahabad Bank recruitment 2012

Allahabad Bank recruitment 2012 - online apply now



Allahabad Bank was established in 1865. its registered officer is available at Kolkata. Around twenty five thousand branches of Allahabad Bank are operating across the country. Bank regularly recruit candidates for clerical, probationary officer (PO), specialist officer and other positions. Now bank is associated with IBPS for CWE. More information related to Allahabad Bank Recruitment 2012 like post name, no of vacancies, important dates, application fee, online registration and other important information.

Allahabad Bank Specialist Officer Recruitment 2012

Allahabad Bank published advertisement for new specialist officer jobs. Total 115 jobs in various departments, details are as under:
Scale I
Officer (IT): 70 jobs
Officer (Official Language): 10 jobs
Civil Engineer: 05 jobs
Officer (LAW): 10 jobs
Manager Law: 20 jobs
  • IT Officer: Degree in relevant stream plus computer certificate
  • Officer (Official Language): Post graduation in Hindi or Sanskrit
  • Civil Engineer: Degree in same stream from UGC recognised university
  • Law Officer: Degree in LLB
IBPS Scores: GEN/UR = 24+ in each section, SC/ST = 21+ in each section, TWS details are as under:

PostCut off marks in Aggregate TWS scores
Officer (IT)120120120128120
Officer (OL)9090909690
Civil Engineer113113113120113
Officer (LAW)113113113121113
Manager (LAW)113113113121113

Selection ProcessAccording to the merit bank will prepare list of candidates who will be invites for Interview. Interview would be conducted on July Aug 2012. Total marks of interview is 30, and qualifying marks is 12 for general category and 10 for others.

Application FeeRs. 100 for GEN and OBC category candidates and Rs. 20 for others like SC/ST/PWD. Last date to deposit fee through prescribed challan from in cash mode is 9/6/2012. It is non refundable application fee.

How to ApplyApply only online @ website only

Important Dates:
Starting date of online application process: 26/05/2012
Closing date of online application process: 10/06/2012
Deposit payment fee between 26/05/2012 to 09/06/2012

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