ITBP. INDO-TIBETAN BORDER POLICE FORCE, RECRUITMENT TO THE POST OF HEAD CONSTABLE – ITBP 328 Head Constable vacancies 2011: Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force – ITBP has given a recruitment notification for the recruitment of 328 Head Constable (Combatised Ministerial) Group ‘C’ vacancies in Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force. Who are eligible candidates may apply through offline on or before 14-07-2011, (For far flung areas 21-07-2011). The details regarding age limit, educational qualification, how to apply and other details of is given below… vacancy details:
Total no. of posts: 328 posts
Name of the posts:

Head constable (Combatised Ministerial): 328 posts
Pay scale: Rs. 5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs. 2,400/- per month.
Age limit: The candidates age limit is between 18 to 25 years (Cut off date for determining the age will be 14th July, 2011), reservation as per Govt rules.
Educational qualification: Candidates pass with Senior Secondary Certificate from a recognized Board or equivalent; preference will be given to possessing higher qualifications.
Application fee: Candidates pay the fee in the form of Central Recruitment Fee Stamp/Indian Postal Order/Demand draft for Rs 50/- for GEN/OBC candidates drawn in favour of Inspector General (Special) Frontier ITBP, Payable at SBI R K Puram, New Delhi, and Code No 1076.
Selection procedure: The mode of selection is recruitment test/checking of documents/physical standards test/written test/skill test/interview and medical examination basis.
How to apply: The eligible candidates may send their application in prescribed format given the advertisement duly filled in Hindi or English only with two recent passport size photographs one pasted on the application form and another one on admit card duly attested by Gazetted officer, along with attested photo copies of all necessary certificates, two self addressed envelops and Indian Postal Order/Central Recruitment Fee Stamp/Demand draft of Rs 50/-, to the following address, The Inspector General (Special) Frontier, ITB Police, West Block, Wing-2, Sector-1, R K Puram, New Delhi-110066, on or before 14-07-2011, (For far flung areas 21-07-2011).
Last date for receipt of application: 14-07-2011, (For far flung areas 21-07-2011).
For more details regarding age limit, educational qualification, pay scale, application fee, no. of posts, selection process, application format, how to apply, last date for receipt of application and other details of is available at given below link…

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