IOCL Recruitment 2011 - Indian Oil Corporation Limited

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Gujarat Refinery going to recruit Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Production) and Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Instrumentation) in July – Aug 2011 recruitment project at IndianOil’s Gujarat Refinery situated at Vadodara. There are total 34 vacancies. Candidates who are interested and fulfilling eligibility criteria may apply through prescribed application format (download now within the last date 15th Aug, 2011

IOCL Recruitment 2011 details
  1. Post Code: 01 / 2011
    Post Name: Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Production)
    No of vacancies: 30 (Likely Reservation: SC-02, ST-02, OBC-09)
  2. Post Code: 02 / 2011
    Post Name: Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Instrumentation)
    No of vacancies: 04 (Likely Reservation: ST-01)
Minimum Qualification and Experience
For Post Code No. 1/2011 - Jr. Engineering Assistant - IV (Production)
  • B.Sc. with Chemistry as principal subject and Physics and Math as subsidiary subjects / Diploma in Chemical / Petrochemical Engineering with First Class (Pass Class for SC/ST). The prescribed qualification should be from a recognized Board / Institution / University and as a regular student of full time course.
  • Minimum 2 years experience in operation (in rotating shift) of pump house, fired heater, compressor, distillation column, reactor in a petroleum refinery, petrochemical or fertilizer / gas processing industry.
  • Experience should be post-qualification only, excluding training & apprenticeship period.
For Post Code No. 2/2011 - Jr. Engineering Assistant - IV (Instrumentation)
  • Diploma in Industrial Electronics OR Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering OR Diploma in Electronics & Communication OR Post Graduate Diploma in Instrumentation & Control with First Class (Pass Class for SC/ST). The prescribed qualification should be from a recognized Institution / University and as a regular student of full time course.
  • Minimum 3 years experience in operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of Distributed Control System (DCS) and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) preferably in Petroleum Refinery, Petrochemicals, Fertilizer, large size Power Plant.
  • Experience should be post-qualification only, excluding training & apprenticeship period.
Age Limit
Minimum 18 years and maximum 26 years, as on 01/07/2011. Relaxation in age by 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates. Age relaxation for Ex-servicemen as per rules.

Selection Methodology
The candidates meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria/ experience requirement will undergo Written Test. Candidates short-listed after the written test shall be subjected to Personal Interview. Candidates will have to qualify at each stage of selection process successfully for being adjudged suitable for final selection.

Application fee
Candidates are required to send a crossed Demand Draft of Rs.100/- (non-refundable) as application fee in favor of ‘ACCOUNTS OFFICER, GUJARAT REFINERY’, payable at Vadodara along with the Application Form. No other mode of payment shall be accepted. (SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee).

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